Sex Education Statistics 2020

Growing through the adolescent stage to young adults, teenagers make vital decisions with respect to relationships, sexuality, and sexual behavior. The choices they make can sway their health and well-being for the rest of their lives. It is society’s responsibility to inculcate youth by imparting knowledge about comprehensive sex education that gives them the tools they prerequisite for healthy decisions. Coming to the point concerning what it means: sex education is the provision of information about bodily evolution, sex, sexuality, and relationships along with skill buildings to guide young people convey about and make well-informed decisions as to sex and their sexual health. It should append information with reference to puberty and reproduction, abstinence, contraception and condoms, relationships, sexual violence prevention, body image, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Sex education should serve sexual development as a normal, natural part of human development.

Quick Look at Educating Sex Education Statistics – 2024

  • Among 15 to 17 years old, 69% of boys and 72% of girls have never had sexual intercourse.
  • 89% of all teen births are to unmarried couples.
  • About 40% of sexually active teen girls [aged 14 to 19 ] have at least one STD.
  • Young adults [15 to 24] account for more than half of all reported cases of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.
  • Most parents want their children to wait for marriage before having sex.
  • Almost 3/4th of parents are opposed to premarital sex both in general and to their adolescents.
  • Waiting to have children until marriage decreases the likelihood that both parent and child will live in poverty.
  • Most adolescents support reserving sex for marriage, both in general and for themselves.
  • 20-5 research studies of SRA programs show significant behavioral changes in improving teen outcomes.
  • 24 states require the said education in the schools.

Educating Teenagers About Sex in the United States 

Sex education basics may be covered in health class, but your teen might not hear — or understand — everything he or she needs to know to make tough choices about sex. That’s where sex education comes in.

Formal sex education before turning 18.

As per American Sex Education, it has been observed that teens learn about sex education through formal learning even before they turn 18. For instance, out of 100 teenagers [96% of female and 97% of male teenagers] 

Birth Control Awareness among Female teenagers is more.

According to sex education statistics, female teenagers are more likely than male teenagers to report first receiving instruction on birth control methods in high school [47% compared with 38%].

Parental Guidance – Talk it out.

As per the sex education facts and statistics, 92% of male and 93% of female teenagers reported being taught about STDs, and 89% of male and 88% of female teenagers reported receiving instruction on how to prevent HIV/AIDS from their parents.

Sex Education at adolescence or preteen years. 

It has been noticed that one out of five teenagers who received formal sex education from a school, church, community center, or some other place, before middle school age between the ages of 9 to 12, were more likely to report instruction on “how to say no to sex” than on other topics.

Protected Sex.

Sexual educations facts suggest that male teenagers were more likely to enquire about how to be self-aware and use a condom [38% of males with 29% of females].

How Do Americans Feel About Sex Education?

No doubt, offering accurate and consistent sex education in schools is highly important. Most Americans want teens with these resources not only to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STDs but also to help to ensure the overall well-being of a teenager. The majority of Americans, regardless of race or political party, are in complete support of Sexual Risk Avoidance[SRA] education.

More than 8 out of 10 parents, especially women and African Americans, support SRA education.

Nearly 9 in 10 parents strongly support the way SRA programs share the usage of condoms for preventing pregnancies and diseases.

Almost 3/4 of parents are opposed to premarital sex in general.

This is to avoid the consequences of various diseases that may erupt due to multiple sexual partners. 

As per the research, parents of female teenagers are more in favor of sexual health awareness. 

 This is because 40% of sexually active female teenagers [aged 14 – 19] suffer from at least one kind of STD as [HPV, chlamydia, herpes, and gonorrhea].

Most Americans agree that sex education is important.

To avoid unwanted pregnancies among female teenagers, awareness of teenage sexual education is highly recommended.

Only a minority support comprehensive sex education. 

They believe that teaching kids everything they need to know about sex and sexuality is the best way to train them. 

Teen Sexual Behaviour Statistics

 A sex education survey among 15 – 17 years of age teenagers in the US indicates that 69% of male teens and 72% of female teens have never had sexual intercourse. 

Moreover, it has been noticed that among the above age group, 52.4% of male teens and 72% of female teens have never had any sexual contact with the opposite sex. This includes sexual activities that are not limited to sexual intercourse.

More high school students are eager for their first sexual encounter. 

In the past 26 years, the percent of high school male and female teenagers who are waiting for sex has increased to 38% and 27%, respectively. This is according to sexual education statistics 2019.

29% of pregnancies are aborted.

The most recent data reports suggested that about 29% of pregnancies among 15 to 19-year-olds end in abortion, down from 46% in 1986. Teen abortion rates are at their lowest since abortion was declared legal in 1988, whereas during the same period, 89% of teen births were to unmarried couples.

Sex Education in Public Schools Statistics

Sex education facts and statistics suggest that as of March 1, 2020.

Public schools are required to teach sex education in 29 states.

The District of Columbia also requires that public schools teach sex education. 27 of the 29 states have made it compulsory along with HIV education.

Thirty-nine states and the districts of Columbia require students to receive instructions about HIV.

Twenty two states require scientifically accurate information.

According to 22 states, if sex or HIV education is provided, it must be technically accurate. State definitions of “medically accurate” vary, it says that the education curriculum should contain information from published authorities upon which medical professionals rely.

What Do Teenagers Think About Sexual Education?

According to the United States Sex Education, students reported an urge to have more relevant information about sexual and reproductive health issues than they are receiving in school. They have shown an urge to know more about what to do in the event of rape or sexual assault, how to get tested for HIV and other STDs, how to use birth control products etc.

Approximately half of the students in grades 7-12 report the need for more information on how to get tested for HIV/AIDS and other STDs.

Knowledge is power and if these students are not properly educated on these issues, they may make wrong decisions. Furthermore, they may be unable to access such information because of the school or state policy regarding the topic. 

More than 80% of 18 and 19-year-olds say that they don’t like the idea of casual sex.

Some support abstinence and reserving sex for marriage both in general terms and for themselves too. Out of the remaining 10% some have conflicting views about causal sex while others think it is acceptable. 

30% of teenage males do not receive any sex education before their first-ever intercourse

The rate is as high as 45% for black teenage males. These teens only get sex education from their peers and movies. The disadvantage is that it isn’t always wholesome information. 

About 40% of teens say that their sex education classes make them feel pressured to indulge in sexual relationships. 

Further, 32% conveyed that they feel pressure from their dating partners. Others are pressured by their friends. 

Teachers are not well equipped to teach on sex education. 

Teens learning about sex in school have reported that teachers were poorly trained and often visibly embarrassed to be representing the materials. This doesn’t exactly convey the message that sex is a healthy and acceptable part of life.

What Are the Sources of Sex Education for Teens?

In a country like the U.S., sex education for teens comes from multiple sources. There are various formal sex education programs by leading public health and medical professional organizations – including the 

  • American Medical Association
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics
  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • The American Public Health Association
  • The American School Health Association and the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. 

These organizations support comprehensive sex education and school health programs. It has been observed that apart from formal instruction providers, parents, health care providers, and digital media are also very instrumental when it comes to providing information pertaining to sex education to adolescents.

  • Abstinence education” programs that promote abstinence-only until marriage now termed “sexual risk avoidance” by proponents – have been described as “scientifically and ethically problematic.” They systematically ignore or stigmatize many young people and do not need their health needs.
  • Under School health policies and programs – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], instruction on sexual health topics [including human sexuality and prevention of STDs and pregnancy] is more commonly required in high school than in middle and elementary school.
  • According to the statistics, the “sex talk” between parents and their children is less than optimal. Parents tend to exclude positive topics associated with sexuality, such as pleasure, love, and healthy relationships, in favor of negative topics and warnings. There is a lack of important topics associated with sex education as pregnancy, contraceptives, abuse, and exploitation.

Therefore, parental guidance is needed as adolescents develop, but parents need to have accurate and positive information to share with the teens.

Federal and State Policy Related to Sex Education

All States in America are somehow involved in Sex Education for Public School children. As of March 1, 2020.

  • 29 states and the District of Columbia require public schools to teach sex education, 27 of which mandated sex education and HIV education.
  • 39 states required the students to receive instructions on HIV/AIDS.
  • 25 states required school districts to notify parents that sex education would be provided; five states required parent consent whether the child can receive such instructions, and 36 states allowed parents to opt-out on behalf of their children.

According to a report of 2019, almost 7,50,000 female youth in America will become pregnant by 2020, and 50% of the 20 million instances of sexually transmitted disease will be recognized in young people between the ages of 15 – 24. The highest rate of teenage pregnancy, abortion, and STDs is in America compared to other developed nations worldwide.

Twenty four states require sex education in schools.

Only 14% of middle schools and 38% of high schools teach all the topics required in sex education. However, parents can opt out of sex education for their kids in 36 states in the US (some of these states are inclusive). 

Thirty seven states require sex education to include information about SRA

 18 states require information about contraception. Texas, which used to be an abstinence-only state now allows schools to teach middle school kids contraceptives. 

Sex Education laws are present to only 38 out of 50 states in America

30 states have curricula that focus on abstinence until marriage. 19 of those states mandate that abstinence-only sex education be taught. The goal is to promote fidelity, reduce STIs, and increase happiness levels.

Nine states emphasize that institutions teach the importance of consent in all sex education classes.

Illinois and Colorado fall within this category. 22 states, including the District of Columbia, require that sex education include information about skills for avoiding coerced sex. 17 states mandate that all the information given during sex education classes have to be medically correct.

Effectiveness of Sex Education in Schools

As per statistics in the U.S., many young exponents claim that sex education is an evidence-based study, proving to be more effective. But when results for these programs are evaluated the outcome does not support their claims, assessment of the effectiveness of CSE in schools was recently declared that 60 detailed studies of 40 school-based CSE programs were appraised for selection based on testing quality by either the Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], or the CDC. These examinations have professed that “they reduce pregnancies, STDs, and related sexual behaviors.” The domain of prevention test considers an intrusion is effective when it creates sustained post-program effects on a protective barometer for the purposive population. When the examiners applied this standard to the programs, the evidence of success is less than the failure.

Teen Pregnancy: Out of 40, only one school-based teen sex education program appraised by the 60 studies claimed a depletion in teen pregnancy.

However, that effect did not last long. Whereas, a similar study in a different location observed that pregnancy rates were high.

STI prevention: 0% reduction 

There was no reduction in teen STIs even after providing school-based sex education in all the schools. This means it may not have been effective due to the teaching methods or materials used. 

Teen Abstinence: Out of 60, only four school-based teen sex education studies claimed a 12-month post-program hike in teen abstinence.

12 other studies of similar kind showed no such positive effects but one negative effect. The figures imply that only a few teenagers followed the abstinence-only message.

Benefits of Sexual Delay

Given American sex educations in schools, the benefits of sexual delay are stated below:

If a male teen initiates sex at 14, he has an almost 75% likelihood of having six or more partners by the time he reaches 20 years of age. 

Whereas a girl has a 58% likelihood of having six or more partners by the age of 20 if she initiates sex by the age of 14. The risk drops to 10%, respectively, if the teen waits until he or she is at least 17. Sexual delay until marriage provides optimal health outcomes, but even a shorter postponement greatly reduces the physical risks of sex.

Dithering sex supports the stability of future marriage.

Avoiding sex until marriage and limiting the number of lifetime partners is an excellent way to limit the chances of possible negative physical consequences of sex. Some of which include unplanned pregnancy and STDs.

Welcoming parenthood post-marriage increases the possibilities of flourishing.

Planning a child after marriage reduces the possibility of living in poverty. This is because oftentimes, married people prepare for their children financially and emotionally. 


The U.S. as a country was lagging behind to create a national benchmark for sex education but such instructions are left to non-profit groups suffering from financing gap. . Assigned, federally funded comprehensive sex education should encompass people with variegated sexual orientations, gender identities, socioeconomic backgrounds, levels of pre-existing health education, and ethnic and cultural backgrounds. According to The United Nations, being self-aware of one’s own body is a human right. To fortify that American teenagers are not impoverished by this right, legislators, youth service providers, and advocates should work to generate, fund, and enforce comprehensive sex education curricula for all n teenagers. Ultimately when selecting a modus operand to teenage sex education, one must contemplate “what is truly the best interest of children. Families, communities, and society as a whole ?”

Frequently asked questions
How many youths receive HIV /AIDS prevention education?

According to the 2019 Youth Risk Behaviour Survey [YRBS], nationwide, 85.3% of students had never been taught in school about AIDS or HIV infections.

Does Comprehensive Sex Education reduce sexual risk-taking behavior?

According to sexual education statistics, two-thirds of the 48 According to sexual education statistics, two-thirds of the 48 comprehensive programs that supported both abstinence and the use of condoms and contraceptives of sexually active teens had positive behavioral effects.

Who supports sex education?

As per sex education research, it has been observed that  Democrats, as well as Republicans, articulate a similar preference for issues of puberty and sexually transmitted diseases in school sex education programs for teenagers. Republicans are more likely to support abstinence as a topic in sexual education for teenagers whereas  Democrats are more in favor of supporting healthy relationships, birth control, consent, and sexual orientation. Nevertheless, both camps strongly support all topics to be included in sex education curricula.

How do Americans feel about abstinence-until-marriage programs?

 Only 14% of Americans think that schools should teach abstinence-only programs and information about condoms and other types of contraceptives that must abstain.

Helen Vlasova
Helen is the co-founder of, a career guidance website for students and young professionals. She has a degree in English from the University of Michigan. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, and traveling.

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