Bachelor's Degree Jobs With $100K+ Salaries

Human Resources Manager:

In 2020, human resources managers took home a median salary of $121,220.

Compensation & Benefits Managers

Workers in this profession earned a median salary of $125,130 in 2020.

Airline & Commercial pilots

The median salary for Airline and commercial pilot was $130,440 in 2020.

Sales Managers

According to the BLS, the median salary for sales managers in 2020 was $132,290.

Financial Managers

BLS data indicates that financial managers brought home a median salary of $134,180 in 2020.

Petroleum Engineers

Workers in the petroleum engineering field earned a median salary of $137,330 in 2020.

Natural Sciences Managers

The median annual pay for managers in the natural sciences was $137,940 in 2020, per BLS data.

Advertising, Promotions & Marketing Managers

The median annual pay for managers in the natural sciences was $137,940 in 2020, per BLS data.

Architectural & Engineering Managers

An architect or engineer, these jobs netted a median annual salary of $149,530 in 2020.

Computer & Information Systems managers

These professionals earned annual median pay of $151,150 in 2020, according to BLS data.

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